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Tell me about ARCASIA (Architects Regional Council Asia). How can I get involve?

ARCASIA (Architects Regional Council Asia) is a regional organization that represents the architectural profession in Asia. It was established in 1962 and consists of member organizations from different countries in the Asia region. The primary goal of ARCASIA is to promote excellence in architecture and enhance the professional development of architects in Asia.

ARCASIA organizes various activities and programs to achieve its objectives. These include conferences, seminars, workshops, competitions, and publications. The organization provides a platform for architects to exchange knowledge, ideas, and experiences, fostering collaboration and cooperation among professionals in the region.

If you’re interested in getting involved with ARCASIA, here are some steps you can take:

  1. Research and Familiarize Yourself: Learn more about ARCASIA, its mission, and the activities it conducts. Visit the official ARCASIA website and explore the information available to gain a better understanding of the organization.
  2. Contact Your Local Member Organization: ARCASIA comprises member organizations from different countries in Asia. Identify the national institute architects (NIAs) or organization in your country that is affiliated with ARCASIA.
  3. Participate in ARCASIA Activities: Keep an eye on ARCASIA’s events, conferences, seminars, and competitions. Attend these events to expand your knowledge, network with professionals, and showcase your work. Participation can also provide opportunities to contribute to the organization through volunteering, presenting papers, or joining committees.
  4. Collaborate with ARCASIA Working Groups: ARCASIA has various working groups that focus on specific architectural areas or issues. If you have expertise or interest in any of these areas, reach out to the relevant working group to inquire about potential collaboration or contribution.
  5. Contribute to ARCASIA Publications: ARCASIA publishes journals, newsletters, and other publications to disseminate knowledge and share best practices in architecture. Consider submitting articles, research papers, or case studies that align with the organization’s goals and themes.
  6. Volunteer and Engage: ARCASIA may require volunteers for specific events or initiatives. Express your interest in volunteering and contributing your skills and time to support the organization’s activities.

Remember that the specific involvement opportunities may vary based on your country and local member organization. Therefore, it is essential to reach out to your national architectural institute or organization for the most accurate information regarding how you can get involved with ARCASIA.

Updated on June 14, 2023

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